The 5 biggest things preventing you from reaching your goals
There are a lot of things I'm really bad at: Math, folding towels, following directions that involve too many steps, fashion, planning vacations, watching a whole movie without falling asleep, remembering to take my car in for maintenance, the list goes on.
What I'm really good at: Goal setting and accountability.
From 17 years of distance running and training for races, I've figured out how to set the right goals, work towards them, and ultimately exceed them. Whether it's a personal or professional goal, the process is all the same.
If you're not making progress towards your goal, ask yourself the following questions:
1.) Why do I even want to achieve this goal? The why is critical. The why is something you need to feel really passionate about. When life puts up barriers and sends curveballs your way which it absolutely will, the why keeps you on track.
2.) Do I wholeheartedly believe in myself? Because if there is even a sliver of doubt in your mind, you'll subconsciously hold yourself back.
3.) Am I putting in the right amount of effort? Be honest. Most of us just don't work hard enough.
4.) What am I saying "no" to? This is huge and not talked about enough. We have limited time and limited energy on any given day. Big goals require big energy. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to reach your goal?
5.) Am I being patient enough? Progress takes time. Change takes time. Is your timeline realistic or are you trying to rush it?
Remember - If you work hard, believe in yourself, and put your whole heart into something, you can literally do anything.